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Photo credit: Yvette Ortiz, courtesy of May Farnsworth
A community conversation with Vamos Geneva 2030


Spanish workshop ideas: animals

Mr. Dougall's Weakness--pdf.pdf
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MAMA NOAH--English.pdf

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Elena Álvarez’s play, Dying of Hunger (Muerta de hambre), expresses anticlerical sentiments in Mexico's revolutionary period. Here, hypocritical churchgoers step over a dying woman and her small child while on their way to worship. Álvarez’s…

Factory workers Mexico 1910.JPG
Gilberta, a poor female factory worker living in Mexico City, must navigate extremely limited options because of her gender and class. While she finds dignity through labor, education, and revolutionary ideals, she fears that a secret past sexual…

Magdalena Mondragón Aguirre (1913-1989) dramatized women's perspectives in post-revolutionary Mexico. In The Siren Who Carried the Sea (1952), Nereida, a fisherman's wife, contemplates joining the sirens in the ocean after encountering a mystical…

The Siren Who Carried the Sea --pdf.pdf

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The college and career process can be an intimidating time for high school students. Vamos Geneva 2030 has initiated a community conversation to collect a variety of materials and advice from professionals to aid in the process!

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