Vocabulary Practice in Spanish: Nuestros cuerpos (our bodies)


Children made monsters in a lesson on body parts in Spanish.

Vocabulario: Cuerpo

Practice these words and phrases. Use gestures or sign language to remember them.

La cara (face), Los ojos (eyes), La nariz (nose), La boca (mouth), Los dientes (teeth), La cabeza (head), Los hombros (shoulders), Las piernas (legs), Las cejas (eyebrows), Las manos (hands), El pelo (hair), La panza (belly), El ombligo (bellybutton), Los brazos (arms), Los pies (feet), Las orejas (ears), La cola (tail), El pecho (chest), Las caderas (hips), Las rodillas (knees), El tobillo (ankle)

Paper and Tape Vocabulary Activity: Monster Building

While learning to talk about body parts in Spanish, children can help build "monstruos." Making them silly (tres ojos, dos bocas, cuatro orejas) makes the activity more fun. Children listen to simple commands and help the teachers by taping parts of the body and face to the monster outlines on the wall. This is about listening and comprehension, not speaking. Children appreciate being able to participate without being asked to speak before they are comfortable. 

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Carolina teaches parts of the body through movement.


For more language practice at home check out the following books from the library’s Spanish collection.

Pelitos por Sandra Cisneros; Los pies Dana Meachen Rau; Las manos por Dana Meachen Rau; De la cabeza a los pies por Eric Carle; Larry el sucio por Bobby Hamza. 


Acting out "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes" (in Spanish).


Sing this version of "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" in Spanish"

Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies 

Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies x 3

Ojos, boca, nariz

Vocabulary Practice in Spanish: Nuestros cuerpos (our bodies)