Vocabulary Practice in Spanish: Mi casa (my house)


Craft activity: place the elf in the house.


Casa (house), Sofá (couch), Cocina (kitchen), Sala de juegos (toy room), Baño (bathroom), Ventana (window), Cama (bed), Escaleras (stairs), Lámpara (lamp), Perro (dog), Duendes (elves)


What you will need: pdf print out, tape, cut-out elves and pictures of rooms in a house. For "hidden objects," you will need plush elves, a bedsheet, and a doll house.

Vocabulary and Reading

1) Teachers introduce parts of the house through choral repetition while showing pictures of vocabulary words.

2) Teachers read pdf and encourage students to respond to the paired choices.


Open and scroll down for Duendes pdf.

Hidden Objects

1) Teacher 1 leaves the room while teacher 2 and children decide where to hide the "duende" (elf). Once the duende is hidden, the doll house is covered with a sheet.

2) Teacher 1 returns and guesses which room the duende. Children tell them when they guess correctly.

3) Depending on the willingness of the group. Teachers can leave the room with children helpers or children can leave in pairs to become guessers.


Carolina and May showing off their duendes.

Craft Activities

1) Children and teachers work together to tape "duendes" (elves) into pictures of different parts of the house. This could be done at tables individually or on the wall as a group activity.

2) Children draw their own duendes with crayons and construction paper.


Augie's drawing of a duende.

Vocabulary Practice in Spanish: Mi casa (my house)